Sell your Art

Join the art marketplace and sell your art to a global community of art lovers

We are creating a community of Indian artists

Showcase your best works with stunning visuals and compelling stories, while tracking sales trends and audience engagement with ease.

We are invested into giving you as much exposure as possible.

  • A platform of independent artists to promote and showcase their works to a global audience
  • Get valuable insights from industry experts curators
  • Dedicated support to improve your page and performance

Application Process

Before starting the application process, please have a look

Tell us your story

Our customers want to buy from a real person. Make sure you tell us about yourself in an engaging and inspirational way.

Include your online presence

We require a personal website representing your work and/or Instagram or Facebook page with a clear focus on your art demonstrating your dedication.

Provide high-quality images

We want to see your art in its best light. This means good quality, well-lit images with no background or watermarks and correctly oriented.

We only accept original art

We only accept applications for original, handmade art.

Copyright Infringement

SignedWorks focus is on original artwork and we therefore take matters of copyright infringement very seriously.

Becoming a Seller - FAQ's

Q1. Who can apply to become a seller?

A: SignedWorks focus is on self-representing independent artists and on galleries directly representing artists consignments selling original artwork. The minimum age requirement to become a seller is 18 years old. 

A: Our Terms and Conditions are available to view here. It is important to familiarise yourself with our Terms before applying to become a seller as you will need to agree with them to complete your application.

A: We deduct a 40% commission* on each piece of artwork purchased through the site. Commission is only charged on the retail value of the artwork sold––that is the total retail value of the item as set by the seller. We do not charge commission on shipping.

A: To apply to sell click here.

A: You are able to sell art under your artistic name/pseudonym. Please use your preferred name for the application. Please note that should your application reach approval stage, you will need to complete our identity checks in which you will need to provide proof of identity. This is used for internal purposes only.
Please also leave a note in the description section of the application (‘About’ section) that you are applying under your artistic name. 

A: Applications are reviewed against two quality factors. Practical Quality and Artistic Quality.

A: We ask all artists applying to sell with SignedWorks who reach approval stage for a proof of ID so that we can ensure our customers are buying from legitimate, self-representing artists and galleries. As a marketplace we must ensure our sellers are passing AML (anti money laundering) and KYC (know your customer) checks before we let them onto the platform. Given the high-value of goods sold this is a practice that is fairly common with a number of online galleries, who incorporate identity checks in a similar way.

A: We require some evidence of online presence in your application, with ideally a personal website representing your work and including the ability to purchase your art and contact you. As artists are responsible for fulfilling orders themselves on SignedWorks, we need to trust your prior experience of shipping internationally. Please be assured that if you do not have a website, you are able to include your social media links.

When submitting your social media or website, please be sure to copy and paste it directly from the navigation bar. Just typing it in may not work. You can only include one link in this section, so if you have other platforms you want to include, you can add these into the ‘About’ section. 

Feel free to reach out to us incase you face any technical issues post registry, email us at


Step-by-Step Guide to submitting Application

Section 1: About you

When completing the rest of this section, 

When completing the rest of this section, 

When completing the rest of this section, 

When completing the rest of this section, 

Artistic Quality Guidelines


When completing the rest of this section, 

When completing the rest of this section, 

When completing the rest of this section, 

When completing the rest of this section, 

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